Common Misconceptions About Having Female Cats Spayed

Posted on: 20 May 2021

If you have a female cat, it is highly recommended that you have her spayed. Spaying is not only good for your cat's long-term health, but it is also a wise choice to help keep the overall population of cats under control. In spite of these facts, though, there are some misconceptions about spaying female cats that seem to keep getting perpetuated and tossed about. Take a look at those misconceptions so you don't fall prey to them when making decisions for your own cat's health.

Misconception: Spaying is not necessary for indoor cats.

If your intentions are to keep your female cat inside, then you may assume she doesn't need to be spayed as she can't become pregnant. Theoretically, this may seem reasonable. But the problem is that when female cats go into heat, they will try anything and everything to get outside and find a male. They've been known to run outdoors when their owners are bringing in groceries or to scratch through screens and jump out the window. In addition to trying to escape, in-heat female cats are also quite loud and annoying. Spaying your cat will help keep her from escaping and becoming pregnant, and it will keep you from having to deal with a caterwauling kitty several times a year.

Misconception: Older cats cannot be spayed.

If you have an older cat, you might assume that it's too late to have her spayed or that the surgery will be too much for her at this point. It is true that vets prefer to spay cats when they are young, but this is just to maximize pregnancy prevention. Older cats can still be spayed, and it is still recommended to have them spayed. Your older kitty may need more pain relievers to keep her comfortable after surgery, but spaying is still the best way to keep her from becoming pregnant and to protect her from ovarian and uterine cancers.

Misconception: Spaying costs a small fortune.

Spaying is not free, but most pet owners are actually surprised how affordable it really is once they have it done. Most vets charge a few hundred dollars for the procedure, including anesthesia and any follow-up meds. If you are on a tight budget, most areas offer low-cost spaying clinics. A local vet can point you in the direction of one of these clinics.

You need to know the facts if you're going to do what's best for your own pets' health. If you've heard anything else about spaying that you think might not be true, check with your vet before making decisions based on that information. 

To learn more about spaying a pet, contact a veterinarian.
